More About Mass Timber

If you go back through Steadfast’s blogs, you’ll find a lot of information about new, sustainable building materials. Whether it’s concrete strengthened with algae, buildings built with recycled steel, or solar roof shingles, we’re thrilled to see the construction industry moving towards a more sustainable future. That’s why we’re excited to see the Mass Timber industry booming in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and beyond.

What is Mass Timber?

Put simply, mass timber is made up of several solid wood panels held together by nails, glue or dowels. The compressed wooden layers are stacked either at 90 degrees or parallel, making these panels incredibly strong and a comparable alternative to steel and concrete. They are strong enough to withstand earthquakes, high winds, and other forces that previously prevented wood from being used as the main building component in large, multistory buildings.

Is it Sustainable?

Mass Timber is more sustainable with fewer embodied carbons, and requires less water and energy to produce than concrete or steel. Wood also stores carbon in its structure, meaning that Mass Timber buildings actually remove excess carbon from their environment. For example, an 18 story Mass Timber building has an annual negative carbon imprint the same as taking 2,350 cars off the road. 

Forestry has also become more sustainable as the need for lumber has grown. Current practices mean alternating trees are cut down during harvest, allowing the remaining trees to grow taller without competing for sunlight, water, and other resources. Forest growth is also maintained by planting two saplings for every tree harvested, making sure that there will be plenty of timber available in the future. 

Is it Fire Safe?

When most people think of wood buildings, their first concern is fire safety. Fortunately, Mass Timber generally exceeds current fire codes. In one study, a panel was exposed to 1,800+ degrees Fahrenheit for two hours and six minutes, longer than current code requires. The panels don’t only sustain the heat without a problem, but the outside layer of Mass Timber will char, insulating and protecting the inner layer. This means cleanup and building rehabilitation is often easier and faster.

Is it Cost Effective? 

Yes, especially in comparison to concrete. Because Mast Timber panels come preassembled, they can cut down on construction traffic by 90%. Buildings are also constructed about 25% faster than those made predominantly from concrete. Because of this, projects can cost less with fewer safety risks to workers. While the panels themselves are usually more expensive than concrete, the overall cost to both the crew and the buyer is much less.

With all these benefits, we expect to see continued increases in Mass Timber construction. Steadfast, LLC has the modern tools and skilled staff you’re looking for to get your next Mass Timber (or any other type) project off the ground. Contact us today to see how we can help! 

Green Construction Tech Coming in 2023

At Steadfast Entities, we’ve seen the many benefits of Green Construction, aka, using technologies and processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient. Beyond being better for the planet, in many cases it saves both us and our clients money. We’re not the only ones, either: many industries are finding new materials, processes and technologies to become more sustainable. 

Green Tech at Work

Green Building Technology has two main goals: to reduce waste and to more efficiently use naturally occurring resources. We’ve told you about recycled asphalt and concrete that held up even better to harsh conditions, but that is just one of many ways construction engineers are eliminating waste. 

Butts in Bricks

In 2020, researchers at the School of Engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) released a paper outlining a step-by-step process for using cigarette butts in brickmaking. Since cement production is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas production, and about 6.5 trillion cigarette butts are discarded every year, these bricks would be a great way to decrease the carbon footprint and reduce the amount of litter found on our streets, beaches, and green spaces. 

Rockin’ Cement

Many industrial processes result in steel dust or ferrous rock, which would typically be sent to a landfill. However, thanks to scientist David Stone’s new technology they are instead being turned into another cement alternative called Ferrock. Ferrock is not only stronger, more flexible, and cheaper to make than traditional cement, but it is also carbon-negative, which means it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. The University of Arizona tested Ferrok and is in the process of commercializing its patent to make it available for general use. 

Nature’s Tools

Other materials are also getting a sustainability makeover. New manufacturing processes are being used to create materials like insulation, carpeting, and paint with fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The changes to processes are often less expensive for the manufacturer (for example, using water instead of a chemical solvent or using refillable instead of one-use containers), which in turn can save money for purchasers down the line. 

There has also been an industry-wide movement to use naturally occurring resources more efficiently. Last month we told you about the new use of algae to make concrete and in some places sheep’s wool is also replacing fiberglass insulation. This swap is shown to increase energy efficiency and make homes more soundproof. 

Even plain old wood is getting a makeover. Liangbing Hu, a materials scientist at the University of Maryland, Brooklyn Park, has led his colleagues in using simple chemical processes to change the nanostructure of wood to make it as strong as steel, transparent, bouncy, and moldable. The University is trying various commercial applications for this “super wood”, and it’s expected to be used in various materials throughout the construction industry. 

It’s an exciting time to be in construction, with new products and technologies coming onto the market daily. We can’t wait to see what comes next and are proud to be part of an industry that is blazing the trail into a more sustainable and efficient future!