4 Big Trends in Construction Technology in 2022

“The engineering and construction industry has made a significant recovery from the 2020 recession, but it has also experienced multiple headwinds that are expected to persist. 2022 should be another rewarding—but challenging—year, and the industry looks to be poised to capture growth opportunities.”

Deloitte 2021 analysis

According to the Deloitte analysis, 76% of engineering and construction executives are going to invest in digital technology in 2022. Other studies show that adopting proven technology can improve construction productivity by 30-45%, as well as help maintain improved material predictability and reliability. 

So what is “proven technology” and what specifically should we look at in 2022? Here are the 4 big trends in construction in 2022:

1. Drones

Drones are small, easy to use, and relatively cost-effective compared to other emerging construction technology. Their high resolution cameras can collect vital information and access all areas of a construction site. As a result, drones are extremely useful at every stage of the construction process for a variety of tasks:

  • conduct site surveys
  • collect important data 
  • take volume measurements
  • create interactive 3D or topographical maps
  • oversee workers
  • perform safety inspections
  • equipment tracking
  • job site security

Drones can access hard-to-reach and dangerous places, preventing workplace injuries or project delays. They save significant time and money while reducing workplace injuries and increasing job satisfaction. Drones are also adaptable, working with other tech like AI or machine learning to always offer the best capabilities for your needs.

2. Exoskeletons & Wearables

Exoskeletons (wearable external suits with motorized joints) are becoming more widely available every year. These suits help with bending, lifting, and grabbing. Originally for recovering patients, these exoskeletons have expanded far beyond the physical therapy room to offer an array of performance-enhancing capabilites to improve safety and productivity in construction. 

Specific wearable devices – like smart boots, smart hard hats, and power gloves – also provide an added layer of protection for workers across construction projects. These devices can predict and prevent workplace accidents through sensors, while also increasing dexterity and strength. 

Over the past couple years, these devices also made it incredibly easy to do contact tracing and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. 

3. AI, Machine Learning, & Data Management

Tapping into the latest construction technology behind the scenes can have big payoffs. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability for programmed software to make decisions independent of human input. Machine learning is when a computer program can learn from repeated inputs, honing its program and improving its output. Both of these ideas have already impacted many areas of construction and are shown to have massive impacts on productivity and safety. These kinds of programs can analyze job sites, past projects, and job plans to identify safety risks, prevent violations, identify more efficient timelines or project parameters, and explore better design options for future projects. 

Like all businesses, construction is also realizing that effective data management is crucial to long-term business success. Smartphones, tablets, streamlined software, and effective data management policies reduce delays and costs, improve safety, streamline workflow, and enhance employee satisfaction. Explore your options with online forms, worksite smart devices, instant reporting, real-time safety corrections, and workflow automation. 

4. Building Information Modeling (BIM) & Virtual Reality

BIM is the process of creating a virtual replica or model of a building before building it. This can be incredibly valuable in order to see dimensions, worksite conditions, possible safety hazards, and required logistics. It’s important during every stage of construction and touches all fields: executive management, worker actions, safety compliance, legal compliance, and more.

Virtual or augmented reality (AR) is a digital layer of information that updates in real-time and improves your understanding of the real world around you. Using an AR device can allow construction professionals to scan an actual job site and learn valuable information as an overlay on the image. 

This could be through AR glasses, which can automatically measure whatever you’re looking at, or through a tablet to analyze the surrounding conditions and identify potential hazards. 

By tapping into the current technology available, the construction industry can reduce the impacts of labor and supply shortages, improve safety and worker satisfaction, and significantly enhance productivity and revenue. Explore some new technology today!

Housing Building Trends in 2022

Americans are spending more than ever on their homes, so it’s no surprise that these buildings are becoming more economical, sustainable, and comfortable in 2022. 

As we move into more renovations of single family homes, we expect to see an increase in the following trends: 

Moving the Inside Out… 

After spending much of the last two years inside, many people are moving the comforts of their living spaces into their backyards. High end pools, outdoor televisions, built-in projectors, and outdoor fireplaces are all becoming popular features for families to enjoy year round. 

… And the Outside In

When homeowners do have to be inside, they’re bringing the outdoors with them. There has been an upswing in “biophilic design”, with an increase of organic materials, light and airy spaces, plants, and other elements that focus on nature. 


With climate change coming to the forefront, eco-friendly building elements are on the rise. These include natural materials like brick and stone for home exteriors, and drought resistant landscaping in front and back yards. Metal roofs are also gaining popularity, as they can last 40-70 years and come in a wide variety of colors and styles. More than just being fashionable, sustainable materials like these have been shown to decrease homeowners’ costs, as they tend to require less maintenance and reduce the cost of utilities. 

Love Your Curves

Gone are the days of straight lines. Whether inside or outside, expect to see a transition towards curved edges. These can come in the form of arched door and window frames, barrel vaulted ceilings, or curving walkways. No matter where you find these curves, they’ll be sure to help homeowners show off their unique personalities and provide a warm, welcoming space.

Spice in the Kitchen

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home, so it’s no surprise that we are seeing sweeping changes in kitchen design. Minimalist, mostly white kitchens are being dropped in favor of warm, colorful cabinets, counters with a splash of color made of alternative materials, and patterned floors that celebrate and welcome all who enter.

Home Sweet Office

Working from your bed or couch is a thing of the past. As more people leave the corporate office behind, home offices are becoming an integral part of every house. For new construction, this can mean more rooms or set-aside office spaces. During renovations, rooms are transformed to be multifunctional, often combining the office with a guest room or part of the kitchen. 

Whatever your project, Steadfast Entities, LLC can support you with the equipment and staff you need to complete it quickly, efficiently, and for the best price. Contact us today! 1.855.449.0777

New Year, New Trends in Construction

2021 was full of growth for many construction companies, but it wasn’t always easy. Bottlenecks in production and delayed shipping increased material costs, and a shortage of labor slowed down projects. Necessity is the mother of invention, though, and these struggles have led to the creation of many new and creative solutions in the industry. The following trends are expected to become commonplace in 2022 as crews work toward faster build speeds, efficient use of quality materials, and finding ways to keep their crews happy and safe.

  • Digitalization. Last month we told you all about exosuits, wearables to keep workers injury free on the job site. They are just one example of technology that keeps projects running smoothly and workers safe. Technology like cloud-based collaboration software, drones, and robots are also becoming standard and will shape the industry through the coming years. 
  • Happy Workers. You can have all the robots in the industry, but without enough people on your crew, your job will be at a standstill. The “great resignation” of 2021 has left a serious skills gap throughout the construction world, and companies are having to incentivise workers in new and thoughtful ways. These methods include better pay and benefits, regular training and opportunities for upward momentum, and innovative tools to maximize safety. 
  • New Materials. Transparent aluminum. Self-healing concrete. These are just a few of the newly engineered materials on the market created to reduce construction costs. Many utilize recycled base components, which save money and reduce waste. 
  • 3D Printing. Similarly, 3D printing is quickly becoming a rising star in the industry. Whether printing a replacement part for a machine or creating a highly detailed construction model, 3D printing is becoming popular as a quick and efficient way to keep jobs on schedule.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) & Digital Twins. Both built using IOT technology, BIM and Digital Twins allow better communication between workers, management and customers. BIM provides information throughout all the construction phases, including project schedule, cost, and materials. A Digital Twin is a virtual model of a building site or building. It captures thousands of data points that can then be viewed, monitored, and even changed in real time. This allows crews to text new ideas or try new designs, saving both time and materials. 

We can’t wait to see all the ways you and your crew put modern tech to real use in your projects. In the meantime, have a safe and happy new year! We at Steadfast look forward to meeting all of your staffing and equipment needs in 2022.