2023 Greenbuild Conference

At Steadfast Enterprises, we love all things technology and sustainability. So it’s no surprise that we couldn’t wait to read all about the 2023 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. 

This annual event brings together sustainability leaders, innovative technologies, and eco-conscious businesses from around the world. This year’s conference didn’t disappoint, showcasing a myriad of groundbreaking innovations and solutions aimed at making the world a greener, more sustainable place. 

Here are a few of our favorites:

Advanced Building Materials

One of the standout trends at Greenbuild 2023 was the emphasis on cutting-edge building materials. Innovations like carbon-negative concrete, sustainable wood alternatives, and energy-efficient insulation solutions took center stage. These materials are not only environmentally friendly but also play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of construction.

Smart and Green Infrastructure

The integration of smart technology with sustainable infrastructure was a highlight at the conference. From energy-efficient lighting systems that adjust to natural daylight to smart grids that optimize energy usage, these innovations are revolutionizing how we build and manage our cities and structures.

Renewable Energy Solutions

The latest advancements in renewable energy sources and energy storage systems emphasized  the shift towards cleaner, greener power. Solar panels, wind turbines, and innovative battery storage solutions were all prominently featured, underlining the importance of transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable transportation options, including electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, and smart mobility solutions were unveiled. These innovations are contributing to reducing carbon emissions and promoting eco-friendly alternatives for both personal and public transportation.

Biophilic Design

Biophilic design, which integrates natural elements into indoor spaces, continued to gain prominence at the conference. Innovations in green walls, living roofs, and sustainable interior decor offered a holistic approach to creating healthier, more harmonious environments.

Circular Economy Initiatives

The conference also placed a spotlight on circular economy initiatives. Businesses showcased their commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability through practices such as upcycling, recycling, and reducing single-use plastics.

Water Efficiency Technologies

Efficient water management is a key aspect of sustainability, and the conference featured various technologies aimed at conserving water resources. Innovations included advanced water filtration systems, low-flow plumbing solutions, and water recycling technologies.

Sustainable Building Certifications

Several organizations presented their latest developments in green building certifications, reaffirming their commitment to promoting eco-conscious construction and design. These certifications offer valuable benchmarks for sustainable practices in the industry.

Sustainable Food and Agriculture

The conference is much more than construction and engineering! They recognize the significance of sustainable agriculture and food systems in the broader sustainability movement. Topics such as regenerative farming, organic agriculture, and sustainable food sourcing were discussed, highlighting the importance of making eco-friendly choices in our daily lives.

Collaborative Initiatives

Greenbuild 2023 demonstrated the power of collaboration in driving sustainability forward. Businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations came together to form partnerships and alliances focused on addressing environmental challenges and creating a more sustainable future.

The 2023 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo provided a compelling glimpse into the future of sustainability. The conference reaffirmed the ongoing commitment of individuals and organizations to create a more sustainable world with innovative solutions that inspire hope and optimism for a future where sustainability is not just a goal but a way of life. 

As we continue to integrate these best finds into our daily practices and technologies, we move one step closer to a more sustainable, environmentally responsible, and prosperous world. You can learn more about the conference, check out a few of the highlighted products, and sign up for next year’s event at https://informaconnect.com/greenbuild/.

Blockchain Construction

Technology has permeated almost every facet of our lives, transforming industries and revolutionizing processes. You know that we’re always on the lookout for new construction technology, which is how blockchain caught our attention. 

What is a blockchain?

Originally developed for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, a blockchain is a distributed and decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Information on a blockchain is stored in blocks, linked together in chronological order, creating an immutable and transparent chain of records. It’s known for its security, transparency, and tamper-resistant nature, which makes it perfect for use in construction.

What does it have to do with construction?

Our industry is known for its complex web of stakeholders, intricate supply chains, and numerous documentation processes. These complexities often lead to challenges like miscommunication, delays, disputes, and sometimes even fraud. Traditional record-keeping methods, involving paper documents and multiple individuals, can make these issues worse. Fortunately, blockchain is here to solve many of those problems.

Supply Chain Management

Blockchain solutions can provide end-to-end visibility in the supply chain by recording every step of a material’s journey. This helps prevent counterfeit materials, ensures quality control, and reduces delays caused by supply chain bottlenecks.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with terms directly written into code. They can automate processes like payments, work milestones, and penalty enforcement. This not only reduces administrative overhead but also eliminates potential disputes arising from misinterpretation.

Document Management

Important construction documents such as permits, licenses, plans, and contracts can be securely stored on a blockchain. This prevents tampering and unauthorized access while ensuring all parties have access to the most current information.

Project Tracking

Blockchains can provide real-time updates on project progress, allowing stakeholders to monitor milestones, changes, and delays. This transparency fosters trust among collaborators and minimizes misunderstandings.

Financial Transactions

Blockchains can facilitate secure and efficient payment processing, ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers receive their dues promptly. This is particularly important in an industry where cash flow challenges are common.

Maintenance and Warranty Tracking

Long after a construction project is completed, blockchains can track maintenance schedules, warranties, and repairs. This simplifies management and ensures accountability throughout the life of the building or site.

Other Benefits

Blockchain’s transparent and tamper-proof nature ensures that everyone involved has access to accurate information, reducing disputes and fostering trust and transparency. It also leaves a clear audit trail, making it easier to hold the right people accountable if there is a discrepancy. 

Its automation through smart contracts streamlines processes, reducing paperwork and administrative tasks, and the decentralized and encrypted nature of blockchain safeguards sensitive data from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Best of all, by eliminating intermediaries and reducing delays, blockchain can lead to significant cost savings, making everybody happy.

Blockchain Challenges

While the potential benefits of integrating blockchain solutions into the construction industry are substantial, challenges remain. Adoption requires a significant shift in mindset and operational processes, and to reach its full potential all platforms across a project must be standardized (which often involves several different parties). It will take some time, but we expect to see blockchain technology redefining the construction industry by addressing long standing challenges with innovative solutions. 

By enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability, blockchain is paving the way for a more streamlined, collaborative, and trustworthy construction ecosystem. As the technology continues to mature and gain acceptance, we can anticipate a construction landscape that’s not only built on concrete and steel, but also on secure and transparent digital foundations.

The Las Vegas Sphere

If you’ve been to Las Vegas recently, you may have seen the curious new building lighting up the strip: Sphere, an innovative event venue and the largest spherical building ever constructed. This mind-blowing new construction project defies convention with its distinctive spherical shape and groundbreaking design: 

  • 366 feet high
  • 516 feet wide
  • 875,000 sq. ft.
  • cost $2.3 billion to build
  • 18,600 person capacity

This bold leap into the future of construction and entertainment spaces is the most expensive venue ever built on the strip. Its exciting potential has captured the imagination of both architecture enthusiasts and event-goers alike, and never-before-seen features are already making Sphere an iconic addition to the Las Vegas skyline. 

The Allure of the Sphere

Spherical architecture, though relatively uncommon, has a long history of captivating humanity’s imagination. The allure lies in its seamless integration with its surroundings and its ability to challenge traditional notions of space and form. The concept of spherical buildings dates back centuries, often associated with domed structures like the Pantheon in Rome. However, Sphere takes this age-old fascination to new heights.

The brainchild of visionary architects, engineers, and artists, Sphere is a testament to human ingenuity and creative collaboration. Its spherical shape is more than just an aesthetic choice – it serves as the cornerstone of its structural integrity and adaptability. The design optimizes acoustics, visual experiences, and sustainability, setting new standards for event venues.

Immersive Acoustics

Sphere’s unique shape and advanced acoustic engineering create an unparalleled auditory experience. Sound waves from the venue’s 164,000 speakers are distributed evenly throughout the space, ensuring that every seat offers optimal audio quality. Whether it’s a live concert, a theatrical performance, or a keynote address, attendees are immersed in a symphony of sound.

360° Visuals

One of the most remarkable aspects of Sphere is the 160,000 sq. ft. wrap-around LED display that envelops the interior. This 360° canvas is the largest and highest-resolution screen of its kind in the world. This unrivaled technology will transport audiences to virtually any environment, turning any event into a multisensory journey. From mesmerizing light shows to lifelike virtual landscapes, the possibilities are endless.

4D Elements

Sphere is committed to giving audiences a truly unique experience, so builders incorporated 4D technology elements to activate all the senses. According to their website, the space can incorporate specific scents, change temperatures, and add cool breezes into their performances, making them truly immersive.

Sustainability Innovation

Sphere was designed with sustainability in mind. The building incorporates cutting-edge, energy-efficient technologies, such as solar panels and advanced climate control systems. Its unique shape also facilitates natural ventilation, reducing the need for excessive energy consumption.

Adaptable Spaces

Unlike traditional event venues with fixed seating arrangements, Sphere offers flexible seating options. The interior can be transformed to suit different types of events, from concerts to light shows, and intimate gatherings to grand galas. This adaptability ensures that Sphere remains a versatile space for years to come. 

  • You can find a list of upcoming events here.
  • Learn more about the science of the Sphere here

Don’t worry, Steadfast Enterprises isn’t starting a travel blog. We just couldn’t help but appreciate the new Sphere building and its pioneering design, technology, and commitment to sustainability. Let us know what you think if you go visit! 

And remember, no matter what shape your construction project takes, Steadfast Enterprises, LLC is here for all of your heavy equipment and staffing needs.

Image source: Las Vegas Review Journal

Largest Dam Removal in US History

If you’re a fan of this blog, you know we love sustainable construction, but this is our first post about sustainable de-construction!

In March 2023, work began on the biggest dam removal project in United States history: four hydroelectric dams in the Klamath River, which runs through Oregon and California. These dams are being removed to improve river health and allow for native fish migration.* The project is expected to cost around $450 million and will be completed in 2024.

A Legacy of Damming

For over a century, dams have harnessed the power of the Klamath River to generate electricity for surrounding Oregonians. However, these dams have also sparked controversy by disrupting the river’s ecosystems, obstructing fish migration routes, and causing harmful algal blooms.

The Klamath River Dam Removal Project aims to reverse the detrimental effects of the dams and restore the river to its original pristine state. The project is a result of a collaborative effort between the Yurok, Karuk, and Klamath tribes; government agencies; environmental organizations; and stakeholders, who have joined forces to address the environmental concerns and ensure the success of the project.

Restoring the Ecosystem

Prior to the creation of the dams, the Klamath River had the largest amount of salmon of any river on the West Coast. The removal will reopen crucial habitat for Chinook salmon and other migrating fish, allowing them to reach their spawning grounds upstream. This restoration will have cascading effects on the entire food chain, revitalizing bird, mammal, and other aquatic species that depend on healthy fish populations. It will also return the river’s natural flow patterns, which will reduce toxic algae blooms and improve water quality.

Preparing for Dam Removal

The dam removal process involves a lot more than knocking down the dam walls. Over the years, sediment has accumulated behind the dams, so careful assessment of the sediment must be conducted to determine its composition and any potential contaminants. Once the sediment is determined to be safe, it will then be transported downstream to prevent adverse impacts on the river and its ecosystems.

One of the primary objectives of dam removal is to restore fish migration routes, so before the dams are removed, any native fish that could be stranded or impacted by the removal process are captured and relocated to suitable habitats upstream or downstream of the dams.

Then, portions of the dams, like spillways and powerhouses, will be demolished to allow water to flow around the dams without excessive sediment release. Once the dams are removed, the restoration process begins. This will include reshaping the river channel, reestablishing natural flow patterns, and reintroducing native vegetation. For the Klamath River Project, Resource Environmental Solutions, a restoration contractor, and local tribes will work together to plant over 19 billion seeds to reestablish native plant species.

Restoring Communities

As the largest dam removal project in US history, the Klamath River Project represents a landmark initiative in environmental conservation and restoration.

The collaboration between tribes, government agencies, and environmental organizations demonstrates a collective commitment to safeguarding our natural resources while creating opportunities in the construction industry. As the dams come down, the Klamath River will once again flow freely, carrying with it renewed hope for a healthier, more vibrant ecosystem and a brighter future for all who depend on its life-giving waters.

*We know some of you might be rolling your eyes or cringing at the word “environmentalist,” but think of it this way: there are many political, social, or economic reasons for the jobs we work on and we don’t always know the full background. These projects – even deconstruction jobs based on environmentalism – are still construction projects, creating opportunities and jobs in our industry. Steadfast isn’t going to be mad at that!

Hard Hats vs. Helmets

Heads up!

You know that at Steadfast Enterprises, LLC, we love to be on the cutting edge of any technology that makes projects safer, more efficient, or more sustainable. That’s why we took notice when we saw a shift: construction workers are increasingly swapping their traditional hard hats for helmets.

While there’s nothing more iconic than the yellow hard hat, we are also interested to see how helmets bring enhanced safety standards, improved comfort, and innovative features to address the evolving needs of the industry.

Enhanced Protection and Safety

Hard hats have long been the symbol of construction sites, but helmets offer an elevated level of protection. Modern construction helmets are designed to meet stringent safety regulations, providing impact resistance and better shielding against falling objects, debris, and other hazards. With reinforced shells and advanced materials such as high-density polyethylene, helmets have higher structural integrity, reducing the risk of head injuries in potentially dangerous situations.

Integration of Advanced Technologies

One significant reason for the transition from hard hats to helmets is their use of cutting-edge technologies. Helmets now come equipped with a range of features to improve both safety and efficiency on construction sites, like integrated sensors that can detect potential falls or impacts, alerting workers and supervisors in real time. This technology helps prevent accidents and allows for immediate response in case of an emergency, further minimizing risks and enhancing worker protection.

Customization and Adaptability

Another advantage of helmets is their customizable nature, allowing workers to personalize their headgear according to their specific requirements. Adjustable straps, suspension systems, and interior padding provide a more comfortable and secure fit, reducing strain during long work hours. Helmets can also accommodate additional attachments such as face shields, earmuffs, or communication devices, facilitating seamless integration of various accessories in a wide range of working conditions.

Improved Comfort and Ergonomics

Comfort is a vital factor in any industry, and construction is no exception. Hard hats, although functional, can be heavy and cumbersome, leading to neck pain, headaches and fatigue. In contrast, helmets are designed with ergonomics in mind, focusing on weight distribution and ventilation systems to provide enhanced comfort. The lighter weight and improved airflow of helmets make them more wearable for extended periods, ensuring workers are both safer and happier.

Changing Industry Standards and Regulations

As safety regulations and industry standards evolve, so does the gear worn by construction workers. OSHA and other regulatory bodies are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of helmets in terms of safety and ergonomics, and some jurisdictions have already made helmets mandatory for specific job roles. While both hard hats and helmets are OSHA-approved, that might not always be the case.

Thanks to the advanced protection offered by helmets, we’re seeing the industry transition away from traditional hard hats. Their adaptability, customization, and technology makes them an ideal choice for keeping workers more comfortable, efficient, and safe. As helmet technology continues to improve, you can be sure Steadfast Entities, LLC, will be working to provide you with the most up-to-date gear and equipment to keep your staff safe and comfortable while on the job!

Artificial Intelligence in Construction

While most associate it with writing and art, artificial intelligence (AI) is also transforming the construction industry. AI technologies are revolutionizing the way construction projects are planned, executed, and managed, while offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, safety, and sustainability. In this blog post, we will explore how AI is making its mark in the construction sector and the many benefits it brings to the industry.

Improved Safety and Risk Management

Safety is paramount in the construction industry, and AI is playing a vital role in minimizing risks and enhancing workplace safety. AI algorithms can analyze historical data, weather patterns, and site conditions to identify potential hazards and suggest preventive measures. By using computer vision and sensor technologies, AI can monitor construction sites in real-time, detecting unsafe practices or situations and alerting workers and supervisors. These AI-powered safety systems can significantly reduce accidents, keeping workers safe, injury free, and ready to work. 

Enhanced Planning and Design

AI plays a crucial role in streamlining the planning and design phases of construction projects. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can identify patterns, optimize designs, and generate accurate cost estimates. 

It enables architects and engineers to create more efficient and sustainable structures by considering factors such as energy consumption, material usage, and environmental impact. AI-powered design tools can also automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for professionals to focus on the creative aspects of their work.

Intelligent Project Management

Efficient project management is vital for construction companies to succeed, and AI is transforming how managers oversee their projects. AI-powered project management systems can analyze data from various sources, including sensors, drones, and wearable devices, to provide real-time insights into project progress, resource allocation, and risk assessment. 

This allows project managers to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and mitigate potential delays or bottlenecks. These algorithms can also predict and prevent issues by identifying patterns that may lead to accidents or structural failures, which has the benefits of saving time and materials while enhancing safety on the job site.

Automated Robotics

AI-powered robots can undertake repetitive and physically demanding tasks with precision, speed, and accuracy. From bricklaying and concrete pouring to autonomous vehicles for material transportation, robots are improving efficiency, reducing labor costs, and enhancing worker safety. Additionally, AI algorithms can optimize equipment maintenance schedules, which minimizes downtime and improves overall productivity.

Sustainable Construction Practices

As you know, Steadfast LLC is passionate about green construction, and AI is facilitating many sustainable practices throughout the industry. It can optimize energy consumption by analyzing building usage patterns and adjusting heating, cooling, and lighting systems accordingly. It can also enable the integration of renewable energy sources into building design and operation, maximizing energy efficiency. Additionally, AI-powered analytics can help track and reduce waste, minimize environmental impact, and support the use of eco-friendly materials.

Because we pride ourselves on providing the newest, industry-proven tools and up-to-date equipment, you know we’ll be keeping an eye on AI and how we can use it to better serve you. Combined with our decades of construction experience, our customers always receive modern solutions for smart construction. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your next project! 


If you follow our blog, you know we love green materials that make construction more sustainable. That’s why we’re excited to see graphene now entering foreign markets. We can’t wait to see how this incredible component will be used to make our buildings more sustainable, in 2023 and beyond.

What is it?

Graphene is a “one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.” Andréy Gueim and Konstantín Novosiólov won the Nobel Prize in Physics for its creation in 2010. It might sound familiar because it is the base of graphite (used in pencil lead), but its many properties are being explored as a new wonder material across a wide variety of industries. Possible applications include computer chips, batteries, transistors, water filters, touch screens, and even DNA sequencing. 

How is it being used in construction?

Although graphene is still in the research stage in the US, the results have been promising for its many uses throughout the construction industry. It’s the world’s thinnest material, yet it’s incredibly durable. It has antibacterial properties, a low freezing point, is twice as strong as steel, has light absorbing qualities, and is highly conductive. 

These features make it perfect for creating graphene-infused composites, which would be a green alternative for concrete, one of the least sustainable yet most commonly used building materials.

Some of these specific properties would make graphene an excellent choice for specific types of buildings. Its antibacterial qualities are making waves in the hospital industry, its conductive qualities are sparking the interest of smart city engineers, and its unique mix of flexibility and durability makes it well-suited for buildings that experience extreme winds and temperatures. 

Graphene also has potential applications in tunnel construction, dykes, bridges, harbors, industrial plants, and sea construction, where exposure to the elements and/or chemicals regularly breaks down concrete. 

How will it be used?

Instead of sheets or blocks, the easiest and most effective way to use graphene currently is as a liquid-based additive. This additive is combined with current cement or concrete mixtures, acting as a filter that absorbs chemicals, refines the pore structure of the concrete, and makes it more durable. 

When will we see it on the market? 

While additives are available in some countries, researchers are still testing and developing it for the U.S. While we may have to wait a little longer, current research is very promising and exciting. Soon graphene may be used in self-healing, self-cleaning, self-adjusting, self-shaping, self-curing, and self-sensing building materials. We are looking forward to its arrival, and the many ways it will make the industry more sustainable!

Data Collection Apps

At Steadfast, LLC, we love new construction technology. We can’t wait to share information about the newest materials and gadgets that will keep your staff safer, make your projects go faster, help the environment, and make you money. And while they might not be as much fun as drones or concrete made from lunar dust, data collection apps can do all those things and more. 

What are Data Collection Applications?

Put in the simplest terms, data collection apps are mobile programs that collect and store information about your project before, during, and after the job. 

Construction teams have been collecting data for years (think blueprints, the types and amounts of materials they would need, incident reports, etc.), but up until recently that data was kept on paper. While paper has served us well, it did come with some problems, like being easily damaged (hello, coffee stains), bulky, time consuming, and prone to error. 

It’s no surprise, then, that computer engineers started working on data collection software as early as the 1980s. Thanks to the cloud, this software has become one of the most widely-used technologies on construction sites today.

All kinds of useful data can be collected via these applications: they take and share pictures, GPS locations, signatures, and more. You can pull up plans, forms, schedules, and other documents without having to carry around bulky paperwork. And most allow you to store data offline, so they can still be used in areas without reliable internet. 

How can they help you?

If you already have a paper system, it might be tempting to not change something that’s not broken. Just because something is functional, however, doesn’t mean there isn’t a much, much better way. These data collection apps are so effective, even the most traditional site managers are making the switch. You can’t argue with the many financial and safety benefits!

1. Saving Time

How would you feel about having 20 hours back in your week? 

That’s how many administrative and field hours that app users report saving, thanks to increased efficiency. Since the software reduces data entry errors, you aren’t spending time correcting mistakes or hunting down missing signatures. 

GPS allows staff to easily find the exact site where a fix is needed, and you can easily send pictures and videos so everyone doesn’t have to drive to the site. And this improved workflow has one bottom line: jobs are finished in record time, meaning you’re making money faster.

2. Keeping Workers Safe

You want to keep your workers safe. Yet most workers avoid completing lengthy or complicated forms when they can, so many near-miss accidents or inspections get skipped. By making them accessible digitally, your team can quickly get through daily equipment inspections, easily complete near-miss reporting, and immediately access job safety analysis.

3. Reporting Instantly

The improved workflows brought to your team through data collection apps mean you can do your daily job reports, send client deliverables, and access legal documents right from your phone or tablet at your jobsite. Clear results and the ability to make instant decisions will help you have more accurate and dynamic control of every project. 

Which one should we use?

As data collection continues to improve, more apps are becoming available every day with a wide variety of user friendliness and prices. When considering which one to use, there are some important factors to consider. 

First, what devices will you be using? Many apps are specific to iOS (iPhones), android, or web technology. Next, what type of internet access do you have? If you are regularly working on jobs in areas with little to no internet access, you’ll want to make sure the app you choose has several offline options. Finally, will you be taking measurements one time or repeatedly? All of these factors, along with price point, will go into figuring out which app will work best for you. 

Explore a list of some of the most popular apps here

At Steadfast, LLC, we’re committed to helping you find the best staff, equipment, and technology to help you complete your jobs safely and efficiently. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get the job done right: jhworthy@steadfastentities.com.

The Future of Women in Construction

As part of Women’s History Month, the construction industry celebrates Women in Construction Week from March 5th-11th. To celebrate, we wanted to highlight women who are making a difference in construction: who they are, what they bring to the industry, and how they are making the future brighter for everyone.

Who They Are

Women make up 14% of the construction industry and only about 3.4% of actual trade workers. Considering women make up 47% of the national workforce, this number is low, but it’s growing. 

Studies have shown that diversity increases employee engagement, improves productivity, and fosters innovation, so it’s no surprise that 59% of employers are actively working to bring a wider variety of people to their teams. This includes hiring more women, providing them with ongoing training and professional development opportunities, and promoting them into positions of leadership.

Bringing Growth to the Industry

Women are drawn to construction for many of the same reasons men are: a plethora of available jobs, great wages, and the ability to build a long, rewarding career. Yet there are even more reasons why a woman in particular would want to work in construction: For one, the pay gap in construction is small, with women earning 99.1% of what their male counterparts earn. This is substantially better than the national average of 81.1%. 

Beyond being a very physical job, construction requires intelligence and problem solving skills. Whether it’s making a bid for a job, creating a budget, drawing a blueprint, or solving a difficult puzzle on a job site, women inhabit the world differently and therefore can bring a different perspective to these tasks that often improve efficiency and save companies money.

Workers of the Future

Opportunities for women in construction continue to grow. As the industry looks for ways to recruit young workers, scholarships and training programs are becoming more widely available. For example, just this month the Department of Labor entered into a $20 million agreement with TradesFutures to create pathways for women and minorities into the industry through registered apprenticeship programs. TradesFutures, a Washington, DC-based nonprofit, plans to enroll 13,000 applicants into these programs, with over half of them being placed into registered apprenticeship programs across the country over the next four years. 

To make sure that women, veterans, people of color, Native Americans and other underrepresented groups are getting access to the program, TradesFutures will be partnering with the National Urban League and North America’s Building Trade Unions. The initial apprenticeship programs will be in Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Missouri, but will expand to other states as programming becomes available. 

Want to be part of this great change? Check out our last Women in Construction blog post for tips to help you diversify your labor. 

At Steadfast, LLC, we believe that diversity is a strength, and it will only improve the future of construction! We hope to see more women and other underrepresented groups given equal pay, equal access to learning opportunities, and an equal chance to build a thriving career in construction. 

More About Mass Timber

If you go back through Steadfast’s blogs, you’ll find a lot of information about new, sustainable building materials. Whether it’s concrete strengthened with algae, buildings built with recycled steel, or solar roof shingles, we’re thrilled to see the construction industry moving towards a more sustainable future. That’s why we’re excited to see the Mass Timber industry booming in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and beyond.

What is Mass Timber?

Put simply, mass timber is made up of several solid wood panels held together by nails, glue or dowels. The compressed wooden layers are stacked either at 90 degrees or parallel, making these panels incredibly strong and a comparable alternative to steel and concrete. They are strong enough to withstand earthquakes, high winds, and other forces that previously prevented wood from being used as the main building component in large, multistory buildings.

Is it Sustainable?

Mass Timber is more sustainable with fewer embodied carbons, and requires less water and energy to produce than concrete or steel. Wood also stores carbon in its structure, meaning that Mass Timber buildings actually remove excess carbon from their environment. For example, an 18 story Mass Timber building has an annual negative carbon imprint the same as taking 2,350 cars off the road. 

Forestry has also become more sustainable as the need for lumber has grown. Current practices mean alternating trees are cut down during harvest, allowing the remaining trees to grow taller without competing for sunlight, water, and other resources. Forest growth is also maintained by planting two saplings for every tree harvested, making sure that there will be plenty of timber available in the future. 

Is it Fire Safe?

When most people think of wood buildings, their first concern is fire safety. Fortunately, Mass Timber generally exceeds current fire codes. In one study, a panel was exposed to 1,800+ degrees Fahrenheit for two hours and six minutes, longer than current code requires. The panels don’t only sustain the heat without a problem, but the outside layer of Mass Timber will char, insulating and protecting the inner layer. This means cleanup and building rehabilitation is often easier and faster.

Is it Cost Effective? 

Yes, especially in comparison to concrete. Because Mast Timber panels come preassembled, they can cut down on construction traffic by 90%. Buildings are also constructed about 25% faster than those made predominantly from concrete. Because of this, projects can cost less with fewer safety risks to workers. While the panels themselves are usually more expensive than concrete, the overall cost to both the crew and the buyer is much less.

With all these benefits, we expect to see continued increases in Mass Timber construction. Steadfast, LLC has the modern tools and skilled staff you’re looking for to get your next Mass Timber (or any other type) project off the ground. Contact us today to see how we can help!