Doing More with Less: Facing the Labor & Supply Shortage

As projects and funding increase, labor and supplies still remain at an all-time low. Expectations have also returned to pre-pandemic levels, but construction leaders are still struggling with limited resources and project delays. 

To manage this tight situation we’re facing, construction leaders must better manage their assets to deliver on projects despite fewer workers and more expensive or unavailable materials

Here are some ways you can do more with less:


Harnessing the right construction technology could be your saving grace. The right software can help you bid and build better project teams, track data to improve workflow, cut down on costs, and improve teamwork and resource allocation across projects. 

When staffing options are limited, technology can also increase the candidate pool and improve safety conditions. One great example of this is using remote controlled excavators. 

Watch this recorded webinar to learn more about how you can best use technology. 


When choosing the right equipment or staffing the right operators, going with a rental service like Steadfast ensures you’re perfectly matched with what you need. 

Don’t buy equipment that sits in a warehouse, unproductive, after the project scope changes or you can’t afford a repair. By renting, you’ll get help identifying the right equipment and operator on the front side, and then be able to use them efficiently only where they’re needed.

Renting saves time, money, and energy, allowing you to do more with less. 


There’s a reason that word of mouth is king in the construction industry: personal connections and project teams are the backbone of this field. Especially in these difficult times of labor and supply shortages, establishing strong relationships with other vendors, clients, and your employees could be the answer to your long-term success. 

Communicate effectively, offer a reasonable level of transparency, and show that you care. Explore new opportunities for staffing, follow through on vendor promises, and maintain integrity in your work. These efforts will translate to strong community ties that will support you through difficult times. 

Whatever your struggle, the construction industry is here for you! Explore construction articles online or email us at for more information about our rental and staffing services.