Constructing Connections: Why Word of Mouth is King

Even in today’s streamlined, modern world full of email, social media, and millions of connections available in an instant, personal relationships reign supreme. In fact, 92% of all consumers around the world say they trust word-of-mouth referrals more than other forms of advertising (Nielson, 2012).

The construction industry is a perfect example of how important personal relationships are: according to the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI), 88% of all contractors primarily use word of mouth to grow their business (2020). 

So why is word of mouth still so important?

Because relationships trump any digital convenience. Consumers and business owners are willing to risk having their groceries delivered for the sake of convenience, but they’re not willing to take a gamble with their roof, a new office building, or a highway construction project. 

They need someone they trust and you can only trust people you know.  

Don’t know a contractor? Well, you know other people and those people know contractors that they trust. It’s the next best thing, and it’s monumentally more effective than any amount of digital advertising. Relationships develop over time and a reliable business relationship depends on consistent communication and trust. 

While business relationships are key, you can still build lasting connections and develop a strong online strategy at the same time! Social networking, when used correctly, can foster your in-person connections and encourage positive word of mouth.

Construction is a people-based industry.

From operators to subcontractors, you have to trust the people you work with in this industry. You’re not alone in a cubicle or working remotely, so positive communication is key. These connections are building industries while we’re shaping what the world looks like tomorrow. 

Here are some tips to get your subcontractors and customers spreading the love:

  • Put customer service first, especially communication
  • Ask for and reward referrals to your business
  • Share your business accomplishments, community activities, and charity work
  • Create a community

No matter what, remember that construction is built by and for people, so don’t lose sight of the strong connections around you! Build tomorrow – one customer, subcontractor, or business partner relationship at a time.