Hiring Gen Z

The construction industry stands at the threshold of a generational shift as Gen Z individuals, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, enter the workforce. 

Enticing this tech-savvy and socially conscious generation into construction careers poses a challenge. Here are some innovative strategies to captivate Gen Z and ignite their interest in the construction industry.

Technology & Innovation

Highlight Tech Integration: Showcase how technology is transforming construction. Emphasize the use of drones, building information modeling (BIM), virtual reality, and augmented reality in the industry. Gen Z is smart and tech-savvy and attracted to innovative solutions.

Digital Recruitment: Leverage social media platforms, virtual career fairs, and online recruitment tools to engage the next generation. Use engaging videos and interactive content showcasing the dynamic and tech-driven aspects of the construction field. If this sounds daunting, consider consulting with a marketing expert. 

Tech-Centric Training: Offer specialized training programs in digital tools and software used in construction. Highlight the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and further develop sought-after skills. 

Environmental & Social Impact

Sustainability Focus: Highlight the industry’s commitment to sustainability and green building practices. Emphasize projects aimed at reducing carbon footprints or using renewable energy sources, appealing to today’s focus on environmental consciousness.

Community Engagement: Showcase construction’s role in community development. Highlight projects that positively impact communities, such as affordable housing initiatives or urban regeneration, aligning with the next generation’s desire for meaningful work.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Promote CSR initiatives within construction firms, showcasing efforts towards social causes, volunteer programs, or partnerships with nonprofits. Many Gen Zers seek employers aligned with their values.

Career Advancement & Diversity

Clear Career Pathways: Illustrate a clear path for career growth within the industry. Offer mentorship programs, apprenticeships, and opportunities for skill development and upward mobility.

Diverse and Inclusive Culture: Promote a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Highlight efforts to create an environment where individuals of all backgrounds and identities feel welcomed and valued.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Consider offering flexible work hours or remote work options when feasible. Today’s workers values work-life balance and flexibility in their careers.

Education & Outreach

Engage in Educational Partnerships: Collaborate with schools, colleges, and vocational programs to promote construction as a viable career option. Offer workshops, internships, or educational sessions to introduce students to the industry.

Industry Ambassador Programs: Establish ambassador programs where current construction workers or industry professionals visit educational institutions to share their experiences and insights, providing a realistic view of construction careers.

Financial Support and Incentives: Offer scholarships, grants, or tuition reimbursement programs for those pursuing education or training in construction-related fields, attracting Gen Z individuals seeking financial stability.

While each individual is different, attracting young talent from Gen Z to the construction industry requires a multi-faceted approach that aligns with their values, aspirations, and technological inclinations. 

By showcasing the industry’s innovation, social impact, career growth opportunities, and commitment to diversity and sustainability, construction businesses can effectively engage and entice the next generation of workers. This not only addresses the industry’s labor shortage, but also ensures a vibrant and skilled workforce ready to shape the future of construction.

Holiday Employee Appreciation

Hard work and dedication are essential in the construction agency, and so is expressing gratitude and appreciation towards your employees. 

The holiday season provides the perfect opportunity for you to show your crew that their efforts are valued and recognized. Whether your company is small and just starting out, or large with hundreds of employees, we have ideas on how you can say thank you during this holiday season.


Handwritten “Thank You” Notes

Small construction businesses can start by writing personalized notes to each employee, acknowledging their contributions and dedication. This simple gesture goes a long way.

Employee Recognition Awards

Consider creating holiday-specific awards, such as “Outstanding Craftsperson of the Year” or “Safety Champion,” to recognize individual employees for their exceptional performance. These awards can be presented during a small gathering.

Team Lunch or Dinner

Host a holiday lunch or dinner for your employees at a local restaurant, or catered at the worksite. This creates an opportunity for team bonding and celebrates the season together. Bonus points if they get paid to be there!

Flexible Hours

Offer employees the option to choose flexible hours during the holiday season, allowing them to spend more time with their loved ones and making the work-life balance easier to manage during this fun but busy season.

Gifts or Gift Cards

Provide thoughtful gifts or gift cards tailored to individual preferences. These tokens of appreciation can range from tools and gear to local restaurant gift cards.


Holiday Bonuses

Consider providing holiday bonuses or profit-sharing bonuses to recognize and reward your employees’ hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Team Building Activities

Plan team-building activities like a friendly sports tournament, group volunteering, or a holiday-themed competition to boost camaraderie.

Annual Holiday Party

Organize an annual holiday party that includes all employees and their families. These events create a sense of unity and show that you care about them, personally and professionally

Charitable Initiatives

Promote employee involvement in charitable causes by organizing volunteer opportunities or making a donation to a cause that aligns with your company’s values.


Employee Stock Options

Large construction companies can consider offering employees stock options, aligning their success with that of the company.

Generous Time Off

Provide additional paid time off during the holiday season or offer employees the option to take extended vacations to celebrate with their loved ones.

Annual Awards Ceremony

Host an annual awards ceremony to honor employees for their exceptional contributions. Recognize safety records, innovations, and long-term dedication to the company.

Appreciating employees in the construction industry during the holidays is not only a gesture of goodwill, but also a strategic move to enhance morale, boost loyalty, and ensure a productive workforce. 

No matter the size of your company or your budget, there are a multitude of ways to express gratitude to your hardworking team members. The more personalized, the better! In the end, happy and appreciated employees are more likely to be motivated, dedicated, and committed to your company’s mission and goals.

Don’t Let Your Equipment Walk Away

Did you know that more than 250 pieces of heavy equipment are stolen each week in the United States? That number increases during December and January, when job sites are empty due to holidays and weather delays. 

Of that stolen equipment, less than 20% is ever recovered, costing business owners anywhere from $300 million to $1 billion every year. The good news? There are lots of ways to protect your equipment from thieves, saving you money and keeping your holidays merry and bright! 

Be on the De-FENCE-ive

Good fences make good neighbors…and are the first defense when it comes to stopping thieves. Make sure your fences go completely around the full perimeter of the jobsite, and that they’re at least 8’ tall. 

Walk the fence often and keep an eye out for tampering like cut chain links or stacked items that make it easier to get up and over. You can also install heavy duty safety bollards at gates, which make it harder for potential thieves to drive off the property with large equipment.

Be Tech Savvy

High-tech safety devices are now more attainable than ever. Whether it’s new and improved LED lighting to brighten your jobsite at night, tamper-proof security cameras, or GPS tracking devices on your equipment, there are a wide variety of products available at several different price points to keep your equipment safe. 

Some newer machines have built in anti-theft technology that require an operator to put in an individual pin to start the machine. If a thief tampers with the system, the machine will automatically send you an alert. If possible, hire a security consultant to figure out which technology would work best for you. It may be an extra cost up front, but if it keeps your equipment safe, it’ll pay for itself over time. 

Make Sure It Works

You can have the best security technology in the world, but it won’t do you any good if it isn’t working properly. Test alarms regularly to make sure they are still in working order. Make sure cameras can capture faces, license plates, and identifying features both during the day and in the dark. Potential thieves will often test your responsiveness by causing false alarms, so keep a close eye on your worksite for unknown vehicles or people who might be casing the property. If someone does look suspicious, report it to local authorities.

Store Equipment Safely

Light, easy-to-move equipment is often a top target for thieves, so make sure your lighter equipment is under cover or inside when left for the night, weekend, or holiday. Never leave equipment trailered, and make sure all trailers are properly secured so they can’t be used to steal equipment. AIf possible, make sure trailers and large equipment are parked far enough apart that they don’t block camera views and provide accidental coverage for criminals.

Maintain Your Inventory

It’s easy to put off, but keeping record of the serial numbers, PINs, manufacturer, and year of every piece of equipment is incredibly helpful should it ever be stolen. An easy way to do this is to take photos of the machines and their serial numbers/PINs, where they are stored, and (if present) your logo, and then store those pictures virtually on the cloud. Your insurance will need all this info when filing for theft. 

Another option? Rent equipment from Steadfast, LLC! This saves you from the hassle of dealing with storage, theft prevention and insurance. Contact us today to explore our reliable, modern equipment options.

Happy Holiday Workers

The holidays are a fun yet stressful time of year. The best way to keep your staff feeling happy and motivated? Show them some appreciation! While it’s important to recognize your staff for their hard work every day, we’ve come up with a short list of easy ways to make their holiday season a little bit brighter (and make you more popular than Grandma’s Christmas cookies).

Thank Them

This one might seem obvious, but in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it is easy to get caught up in the stress of tight deadlines, weather delays, holiday time off, workers out sick, and other obstacles. Make sure you’re telling your staff that you’re grateful for their work and commitment, and let them know when they’ve done a good job. Whether you say it out loud, send an email, or send out holiday cards, ensure the gesture is personal and meaningful. This is important year-round, but especially important when dealing with the stress of the holiday season. 

Pay Them

Most people have additional financial needs during this time of year, so there is nothing like a holiday bonus to make the season a little bit brighter. If you can, budget a bonus for each of your staff members to take home a little bit extra. Make sure you’re doing it fairly with either the same amount for everyone or based on a percentage of their pay. This can be added directly to their paycheck, or handed out in the form of separate checks or gift cards. 

If an added bonus simply isn’t in your budget, another possible option is to let staff leave a few hours early or take a paid day off so they can spend some more worry-free time with their family. Plus, studies show that breaks like these tend to make workers more motivated and productive when they come back to work the next day.

Feed Them

Never underestimate the value of free food, whether it’s morning coffee, a jobsite lunch, or, if it’s in your budget, a special dinner out with their families. If providing a meal is something you do regularly throughout the year, try to step it up a notch during the holiday season. That doesn’t necessarily mean steak and lobster, but do pay attention to your crew’s preferences and try to provide something they’ll enjoy. 

The cost of groceries has gone up across the country, so another option is to provide grocery gift cards or holiday fare (like a turkey, a ham, or pies) to each crew member for them to take home and share with their loved ones. This allows them to bring your appreciation home with them, and keep some of their hard earned money in their pocket.

Treat Them to a Good Time

Regardless of the industry, “team building” makes most workers roll their eyes and start looking for the closest exit. However, team building doesn’t have to be boring ice breakers or full of pseudo-inspirational buzzwords. Take your team paintballing, on a brewery tour, to a sports event, to axe throwing, or to an escape room. The opportunities are endless! Activities like these are a pivotal way to foster team bonding and create positivity in your company culture. 

Let Them Unwind

Holiday parties can be a blast, and a great way for employees to relax and let loose together. They do take a lot of planning and money, though, so make sure you give yourself plenty of lead time to make it happen in a cost-effective way. 

Also consider your crew’s preferences. Will you invite significant others and children? Are there any specific dietary needs? What time of week or even month would make the most sense?

If you want the party atmosphere, but don’t have the time, energy, or budget for a big holiday party, a simpler option is to sponsor a happy hour or round of after-work drinks for your team. Just make sure it’s held somewhere that non-alcoholic options are available for those that don’t drink, and make sure everyone has a safe ride home. Offering up Uber or Lyft credits ahead of time is a great way to make sure folks know they can enjoy themselves and still get home safe.

Science has shown that showing gratitude is a win for employees and companies alike, and there’s no better time to show your staff how much you care than the holiday season. And if you are looking for qualified staff and equipment operators to help finish your projects, look no further. Contact Steadfast today to find out how we can easily and quickly connect you to the right people to get your job done! 

New Year, New Trends in Construction

2021 was full of growth for many construction companies, but it wasn’t always easy. Bottlenecks in production and delayed shipping increased material costs, and a shortage of labor slowed down projects. Necessity is the mother of invention, though, and these struggles have led to the creation of many new and creative solutions in the industry. The following trends are expected to become commonplace in 2022 as crews work toward faster build speeds, efficient use of quality materials, and finding ways to keep their crews happy and safe.

  • Digitalization. Last month we told you all about exosuits, wearables to keep workers injury free on the job site. They are just one example of technology that keeps projects running smoothly and workers safe. Technology like cloud-based collaboration software, drones, and robots are also becoming standard and will shape the industry through the coming years. 
  • Happy Workers. You can have all the robots in the industry, but without enough people on your crew, your job will be at a standstill. The “great resignation” of 2021 has left a serious skills gap throughout the construction world, and companies are having to incentivise workers in new and thoughtful ways. These methods include better pay and benefits, regular training and opportunities for upward momentum, and innovative tools to maximize safety. 
  • New Materials. Transparent aluminum. Self-healing concrete. These are just a few of the newly engineered materials on the market created to reduce construction costs. Many utilize recycled base components, which save money and reduce waste. 
  • 3D Printing. Similarly, 3D printing is quickly becoming a rising star in the industry. Whether printing a replacement part for a machine or creating a highly detailed construction model, 3D printing is becoming popular as a quick and efficient way to keep jobs on schedule.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) & Digital Twins. Both built using IOT technology, BIM and Digital Twins allow better communication between workers, management and customers. BIM provides information throughout all the construction phases, including project schedule, cost, and materials. A Digital Twin is a virtual model of a building site or building. It captures thousands of data points that can then be viewed, monitored, and even changed in real time. This allows crews to text new ideas or try new designs, saving both time and materials. 

We can’t wait to see all the ways you and your crew put modern tech to real use in your projects. In the meantime, have a safe and happy new year! We at Steadfast look forward to meeting all of your staffing and equipment needs in 2022.

Managing Construction During the Ho-Ho-Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching, which means keeping your construction crews happy, safe, and productive as the days get shorter and celebrations with family and friends are on their minds. It can be hard to strike a balance between maintaining project momentum and giving your crews a much-needed break, so we’ve provided the following tips to help you manage the holidays and start the new year on a high note:

  1. Underpromise & Overdeliver.

    Clients can be stressed during the holidays, and may set high expectations that can’t be met when crews are taking extended time off to spend with their families. Plan ahead for the additional time needed, and be honest with clients about reduced productivity from November to January, while assuring them the project will continue to move. By working this extra time into your schedule, you’ll be able to focus on quality work instead of unsafely rushing, and you’ll still meet deadlines. Plus, if you finish early, you’re sure to be your client’s favorite holiday gift giver! 
  1. Limit the Overtime.

    Clients might push extra hard during the holidays, but don’t let that turn into running your crews into the ground. Extra long hours, all nighters, and extreme stress on the jobsite can lead to mistakes, injuries, and/or burnout, especially when workers are expected home for holiday celebrations. If you do need your crew to work extra during this season, consider offering holiday bonuses and/or flexible hours to boost morale and keep workers productive. In today’s labor shortage, you can’t afford not to.
  1. Communicate your holiday schedule.

    Communication is always key, but it’s especially important when communicating expectations around holiday work. Plan what days you’re giving your crew off. Is it just Thanksgiving or also the Friday after? Is Christmas Eve a half day, a full day, or completely off? If you want to give your crews a break, but also want to keep that productivity on high, some companies find it helpful to hire a dedicated holiday team, often filled with out-of-state workers who are already planning on spending the holidays away from home. While these workers often expect higher pay to make up for spending the season away from their families, they are also expecting to work the hours that your current crews want off, and can be key to finishing projects by their expected deadline. See what Steadfast has available by contacting us here
  1. Don’t schedule new or complicated projects.

    With national staffing and supply shortages everywhere, you should expect holiday projects to take even longer than usual. To avoid disappointing clients, focus on completing current projects first. If you’re able to take on something new, limit it to projects your crew is already familiar with. Managing projects on the frontside can keep both clients and operators happy during the holiday season. 

Managing projects during the holidays requires some extra thought, but with these tips and proper planning, it’s sure to be your best season yet. And don’t forget that Steadfast Entities is here to help. Whether it’s finding staff for the holidays, equipment rentals to finish that project on time, or getting the key products to keep your site running at maximum efficiency, we’re here to help. 

Contact us today to see how we can help keep your holidays (and your worksite) bright! 

Happy Heavy Equipment Holidays

Happy Holidays from Steadfast Entities! 

Here are 5 heavy equipment holiday tidbits to brighten your holiday season: 

  1. Many towns across the United States host a Lighted Holiday Tractor Parade, with various types of heavy equipment brightly decorated for the season. 
  1. Each year, about 30 million live trees are sold across the United States. Shipping Christmas trees is tough, requiring a dry van or refrigerated truck over short distances with very few stops. 
  1. The Hess Toy Truck started in 1964 by Leon Hess, oil entrepreneur and lover of heavy equipment. The full fleet of toys has included the classic tanker trailer, 18 wheelers, emergency response vehicles, tractors, dump trucks, loaders, RVs, tow trucks, and more. 
  1. On average, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree weighs 20,000 pounds (about 10 tons), requiring a crane with a 142-foot boom. Set up includes two cables: the main load line at the top and a lesser cable at the bottom. Watch the 2020 video here
  1. On many construction sites, you’ll see an evergreen tree placed at the top for good luck. This tradition, called “Topping Off,” comes from old Scandinavia, but many today associate it with Native American values or the American dream. 

Every year, cranes and other heavy equipment are used extensively for erecting trees, lights, and large-scale decorations. Without our heavy equipment crew, the holidays wouldn’t be as festive. Thanks to all our operators this month – and every month!

Need gift ideas for the construction worker in your life? Visit the Construction Junkie post for 2020’s best gift ideas and stay safe this holiday season.