Happy Holiday Workers

The holidays are a fun yet stressful time of year. The best way to keep your staff feeling happy and motivated? Show them some appreciation! While it’s important to recognize your staff for their hard work every day, we’ve come up with a short list of easy ways to make their holiday season a little bit brighter (and make you more popular than Grandma’s Christmas cookies).

Thank Them

This one might seem obvious, but in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it is easy to get caught up in the stress of tight deadlines, weather delays, holiday time off, workers out sick, and other obstacles. Make sure you’re telling your staff that you’re grateful for their work and commitment, and let them know when they’ve done a good job. Whether you say it out loud, send an email, or send out holiday cards, ensure the gesture is personal and meaningful. This is important year-round, but especially important when dealing with the stress of the holiday season. 

Pay Them

Most people have additional financial needs during this time of year, so there is nothing like a holiday bonus to make the season a little bit brighter. If you can, budget a bonus for each of your staff members to take home a little bit extra. Make sure you’re doing it fairly with either the same amount for everyone or based on a percentage of their pay. This can be added directly to their paycheck, or handed out in the form of separate checks or gift cards. 

If an added bonus simply isn’t in your budget, another possible option is to let staff leave a few hours early or take a paid day off so they can spend some more worry-free time with their family. Plus, studies show that breaks like these tend to make workers more motivated and productive when they come back to work the next day.

Feed Them

Never underestimate the value of free food, whether it’s morning coffee, a jobsite lunch, or, if it’s in your budget, a special dinner out with their families. If providing a meal is something you do regularly throughout the year, try to step it up a notch during the holiday season. That doesn’t necessarily mean steak and lobster, but do pay attention to your crew’s preferences and try to provide something they’ll enjoy. 

The cost of groceries has gone up across the country, so another option is to provide grocery gift cards or holiday fare (like a turkey, a ham, or pies) to each crew member for them to take home and share with their loved ones. This allows them to bring your appreciation home with them, and keep some of their hard earned money in their pocket.

Treat Them to a Good Time

Regardless of the industry, “team building” makes most workers roll their eyes and start looking for the closest exit. However, team building doesn’t have to be boring ice breakers or full of pseudo-inspirational buzzwords. Take your team paintballing, on a brewery tour, to a sports event, to axe throwing, or to an escape room. The opportunities are endless! Activities like these are a pivotal way to foster team bonding and create positivity in your company culture. 

Let Them Unwind

Holiday parties can be a blast, and a great way for employees to relax and let loose together. They do take a lot of planning and money, though, so make sure you give yourself plenty of lead time to make it happen in a cost-effective way. 

Also consider your crew’s preferences. Will you invite significant others and children? Are there any specific dietary needs? What time of week or even month would make the most sense?

If you want the party atmosphere, but don’t have the time, energy, or budget for a big holiday party, a simpler option is to sponsor a happy hour or round of after-work drinks for your team. Just make sure it’s held somewhere that non-alcoholic options are available for those that don’t drink, and make sure everyone has a safe ride home. Offering up Uber or Lyft credits ahead of time is a great way to make sure folks know they can enjoy themselves and still get home safe.

Science has shown that showing gratitude is a win for employees and companies alike, and there’s no better time to show your staff how much you care than the holiday season. And if you are looking for qualified staff and equipment operators to help finish your projects, look no further. Contact Steadfast today to find out how we can easily and quickly connect you to the right people to get your job done!